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  • Out of stock

    Other Pests


    For effective control of moths


    • pheromone traps are an effective way of monitoring moth infestations
    • easy to use
    • it comprises the body of the trap, a line to suspend it from and a container for the pheromone capsule
  • Bedbugs



    Ready for use non residual natural contact insecticide solution for the control of insects in households, retail- and food premises.

    Ready to use product Controls flies, blow-flies, mosquitoes, wasps, bedbugs, cockroaches, grain weevils, flour moths, and their larvae, spider moths, crickets, carpet beetles and fish moths

    (20 L)

  • Stored Product Insects

    K-Obial (5L)


    An emulsifiable concentrate containing a residual contact pyrethroid for the admix treatment of bulk stored raw cereals – maize, wheat, rye, oats and sunflower stored in silos. Also for use as a residual spray treatment, thermal fogging solution and for the treatment of bag stacks in grain storage facilities. For the control of confused flour beetle, saw-toothed grain beetle, rust-red flour beetle, rice weevil, granary weevil, maize weevil and flat grain beetle.

    Flexibility of application method
    Can be used as a residual treatment of surfaces (up to 3 months)
    Direct application to grain
    Residual treatment of bag stacks
    At 1ppm K-Obiol® EC 25 does not adversely affect germination of maize, wheat and barley seed
    K-Obiol® EC 25 is suitable for tank mix application with registered fungicide mixture for seed treatment
    Grain storage facilities, Silos

  • Bedbugs

    Nu Pro 330ml


    NuPro works well against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, flies, lice, mosquitoes, moths, carpet beetles, weevils, beetles etc


    • a rapid acting total release aerosol for space fumigation of our homes, stores, warehouses, mills, ships, etc
  • Ants

    TEMPO EW (500ML)


    CONTROLS: Cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, fishmoths, ants, crickets, flies, confused flour beetles and mosquitoes.