SANIWASH- Multipurpose disinfectant or wash
Quarternary Ammonium
Compounds 60 g/L Glutaraldehyde 70 g/L Effective against broad spectrum pathogens ( bacteria, fungi) at low concentration even in the presence of organic material Spraying, Thermo fogging, Dipping Use as a wash disinfectant or a final disinfectant High wetting, foaming penetration activity Safe to use in any surface Non corrosive, non irritating, non toxic biodegradability Apply Spray disinfection 1 to 2 liter/ 200 L water/ 400 m 2 Washing disinfectant 1 3 L/ 600 100 L water/ 600 m 2 Dipping 1 L/ 100 L water Thermofogging 2 5 L/ 2 5 L water/ 1000 m -3Pack Sizes 1 L, 5 L 20 L