Showing 1–12 of 37 results

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  • Flies/Flying Insects

    AGITA FLY BAIT , 400g


    Effective control of flying insects/flies


    • fly bait with natural attractants for the control of house flies in and around animal housing,manure heaps,refuse tips outside of human dwellings and food handling plants
    • can be applied as a smear or a dry bait in the wind resistant fly bait station
  • Rodents/Rats

    Alpha bait station


    Quality tamper-resistant bait stations keep bait away from children, pest and non-target animals. They also keep bait fresher for longer by protecting it from dust, dirt, moisture and other contaminants. Unique key to open.

  • Out of stock


    Alphathrin 100ml


    For effective control of ants, bedbugs, bird lice, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, flies, and other pests


    • a suspension concentrate and contact and stomach insecticide with a long lasting effect for the pests as listed:
      Mosquitos, flies, bed-bugs, fish moths, cockroaches, ants and fleas and ticks
  • Ants

    Alphathrin 1L



    Effective control of ants, bedbugs, bird lice/biting insects, cockroaches, crickets, fleas/ticks, and flies/flying insects


    • a suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide with a long lasting effect for the control of pests as listed.
    • easy to use
    • long residual action.
    • very low mammalian toxicity making it safe to use in sensitive areas
    • broad spectrum of control
    • low application rate
    • very cost effective
    • odourless and stainless
    • can be used indoors and outdoors
  • Ants



    A Space spray aerosol for control of insects

    Active Ingredients
    Pyrethrins …………………………….. 3 g / Kg

    Piperonyl Butoxide ………………….18 g / Kg

    Package Sizes

  • Rodents/Rats

    Beta J2


    Bait station for rats/rodents


    • easy and safe to use
    • quality tamper-resistant bait station which keep bait away from children, pets and non-target animals.
    • they also keep bait fresher for longer by protecting it from dust, dirt, moisture and other contaminants.
    • unique key to open.
    • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • Termites

    Bg-tm-1 Termite Monitor


    A monitor used to measure or detect termite activity


    • is a product for detecting subterranean termites in your property.
    • has a plastic top that opens and closes easily, the product allows for effortless inspection of the monitor.
    • a wooden stake makes installation simple as well.
    • a typical piece of residential property uses 10 or more of these monitors to cover the entire property, and as such, it is great to use after pre-treatments and inspections.
    • cheap and easy to install
    • the product works by luring foraging termites to the monitor with the wooden stake and a piece of card board allowing you to detect their presence and the severity of the infestation below the surface of the soil
  • Birds

    Bird Repellent Gel/Wax



    • bird gel/wax is another easy and effective way to deter birds from unwanted areas.
    • the gel/wax contains natural beeswax and is non-toxic and biodegradable.
    • birds gel/wax is a visual deterrent that works by reflecting the UV light spectrum to disturb and deter birds.
    • the product will remain effective for up to 2 years outdoors and up to 5 years indoors.
    • 280g
  • Ants

    Cypermethrin ec


    Works effectively on ants, caterpillars and other pests


    • an emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for use on crops as indicated
    • low toxic synthetic pyrethroid, which is effective at very low levels
    • ideal general contact insecticide – controls a wide range of insects
    • safe to use on ornamental plants
    • low toxicity towards mammals
    • available in sizes: 50 ml | 1 l
  • Out of stock

    Other Pests


    For effective control of moths


    • pheromone traps are an effective way of monitoring moth infestations
    • easy to use
    • it comprises the body of the trap, a line to suspend it from and a container for the pheromone capsule
  • Ants

    Fendona 6 , 1liter


    Works well against fleas, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, bird lice, biting insects, flies/flying insects


    • A long lasting suspension concentrate contact and stomach
      insecticide for the control of malaria vectors, nuisance and
      biting flies, cockroaches (american and german), bedbugs,
      fleas, mosquitoes, hide beetle larva, fishmoths, stableflies,
      ants and Alphitobius larva and -beetle
    • can be used in and around houses, schools, hospitals, restaurants, etc
    • has a long lasting effect of upto 12 weeks
  • Ants



    Gel Gun used for easy and quick use of cockroach gels and ant gels

    (Gun only does not include gels)