Bulb duster
Handheld duster to apply dusting powder insecticides
Easy to use
Dry application in areas where water cannot be used
Related products
Nu Pro 330ml
R195.00NuPro works well against cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, flies, lice, mosquitoes, moths, carpet beetles, weevils, beetles etc
- a rapid acting total release aerosol for space fumigation of our homes, stores, warehouses, mills, ships, etc
Other Pests
Ready-to-use insecticide solutions for ULV and fogging equipment450Benefits:
Nimbus®Space Spray is an ultra low volume(ULV)space spray developed for the control of stored product insects and insects of public health and veterinary importance
It is used in the control of both flying and crawling insects -
Other Pests
Ready for use non residual natural contact insecticide solution for the control of insects in households, retail- and food premises.Benefits:
Water base formulation
No oil residue
Registered for food premisis -
Avi-Kayazinon (1L)
An emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach poison or control of insect pestsBenefits:
Powerful and rapid knock-down
Broad spectrum of control -
GLYBOR 300 (1L)
R750.00GLYBOR 300 is ready-for-use, glycol-based solution that is formulated
as a surface and/or internal treatment for preserving untreated and
difficult to treat timbers, whether new or existing, e.g. joinery, roof and
floor timbers, pole structures, etc.
It contains borate wood preserving active ingredients that provide
protection against fungal decay and insect attack. The unique
formulation ensures minimal evaporation whilst allowing for maximum
penetration of the active borate component into all types of uncoated
timber, irrespective of the wood moisture content.
GLYBOR 300 provides a colourless, odourless, non-flammable
treatment of low mammalian toxicity. Surface treatment can be
overcoated with wood coatings/finishes after adequate drying. -
Long last
Flushing AerosolBenefits:
Excellent residual control on many types of surfaces
Compliment indoor residual spraying programmes
360 degree valve and nozzle extention
Rapid knockdown and killing action
Cockroaches, ants, fleas, fishmoths and crickets
Excellent flushing properties – Cypermethrin High Cis (kill) and Prallethrin (knockdown) Cracks and crevice treatments
Piperonyl Butoxide (synergist) increases the activity of the pyrethroids and plays a vital role in insect resistance management